
class singer_sdk.InlineMapper

Bases: PluginBase, SingerReader

Abstract base class for inline mappers.

__init__(config: Optional[Union[dict, PurePath, str, List[Union[PurePath, str]]]] = None, parse_env_config: bool = False, validate_config: bool = True) None

Create the tap or target.

  • config – May be one or more paths, either as str or PurePath objects, or it can be a predetermined config dict.

  • parse_env_config – True to parse settings from env vars.

  • validate_config – True to require validation of config settings.


ValueError – If config is not a dict or path string.

classmethod append_builtin_config(config_jsonschema: dict) None

Appends built-in config to config_jsonschema if not already set.

To customize or disable this behavior, developers may either override this class method or override the capabilities property to disabled any unwanted built-in capabilities.

For all except very advanced use cases, we recommend leaving these implementations “as-is”, since this provides the most choice to users and is the most “future proof” in terms of taking advantage of built-in capabilities which may be added in the future.


config_jsonschema – [description]

cli = <Command cli>
property config: Mapping[str, Any]

Get config.


A frozen (read-only) config dictionary map.

listen(file_input: IO[str] | None = None) None

Read from input until all messages are processed.


file_input – Readable stream of messages. Defaults to standard in.

This method is internal to the SDK and should not need to be overridden.

abstract map_activate_version_message(message_dict: dict) Iterable[Message]

Map a version message to zero or more new messages.


message_dict – An ACTIVATE_VERSION message JSON dictionary.

map_batch_message(message_dict: dict) Iterable[Message]

Map a batch message to zero or more new messages.


message_dict – A BATCH message JSON dictionary.


NotImplementedError – if not implemented by subclass.

abstract map_record_message(message_dict: dict) Iterable[Message]

Map a record message to zero or more new messages.


message_dict – A RECORD message JSON dictionary.

abstract map_schema_message(message_dict: dict) Iterable[Message]

Map a schema message to zero or more new messages.


message_dict – A SCHEMA message JSON dictionary.

abstract map_state_message(message_dict: dict) Iterable[Message]

Map a state message to zero or more new messages.


message_dict – A STATE message JSON dictionary.

classmethod print_about(format: Optional[str] = None) None

Print capabilities and other tap metadata.


format – Render option for the plugin information.

classmethod print_version(print_fn: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], None] = <built-in function print>) None

Print help text for the tap.


print_fn – A function to use to display the plugin version. Defaults to print.

property state: dict

Get state.


NotImplementedError – If the derived plugin doesn’t override this method.