Release Process

The Singer SDK currently follows roughly a ZeroVer versioning scheme. Starting with the Singer SDK 1.0, version numbers will use semantic versioning.

PyPI releases

Stable releases

The following steps are required to create a stable release:

  1. Trigger the .github/workflows/version_bump.yml workflow from the GitHub Actions tab, or from the CLI with gh workflow run version_bump.yml.

  2. Wait for the workflow to complete. It will create a new PR with the version bump, and also a draft release.

  3. Review the PR for any errors in the changelog and version bumps, then merge it.

  4. Publish the draft release from the GitHub Releases tab.

Feature releases

Feature releases are the primary way that new features are added to the Singer SDK. They are released on a roughly monthly cadence.

Patch releases

Patch releases are released as needed to fix bugs or security issues. They are released on an as-needed basis.

Release Highlights

Once the release is published, we manually add a section to the changelog with the release highlights. This section should include a brief description of the most important changes in the release. For example:

## v0.41.0 (2024-10-02)

### Highlights

- It's easier now for SQL tap developers to customize the mapping from SQL column types to JSON schema. See [the guide]( for details.


git tag v0.42.0a3
git push origin v0.42.0a3

Pre-releases are normal tags with pre-release identifiers. They are used to test new features before a stable release. Pre-releases are triggered by pushing a tag with a pre-release identifier, e.g. v0.42.0a3.

We don’t generate release notes for pre-releases, nor do we update the changelog so creating a pre-release is as simple as pushing a tag:

Release cadence

The Singer SDK follows a roughly monthly release cadence. Milestones are used to track the progress of each release. The milestones are named after the release version, e.g. v0.42.0.

Deprecation policy

A feature release may deprecate a feature, but it will not remove it until the next major release. A deprecation will be clearly documented in the changelog and in the code.

All deprecated features will emit a SingerSDKDeprecationWarning when used, so users can raise them as exceptions when running their tests to ensure that they are not using any deprecated features:

$ pytest -W error::singer_sdk.helpers._compat.SingerSDKDeprecationWarning