
Logging levels

Logging levels are configurable by the environment variables <PLUGIN_NAME>_LOGLEVEL (preferred) or LOGLEVEL. Use LOGLEVEL when you intend to control the log output for all taps and targets running within the environment. In contrast, we recommend setting <PLUGIN_NAME>_LOGLEVEL for more granual control of each tap or target individually.

From most verbose to least verbose, the accepted values for logging level are debug, info, warning, and error. Logging level inputs are case-insensitive.

To use different logging levels for different loggers, see the custom logging configuration section below.

Default log format

The default log format is "{asctime:23s} | {levelname:8s} | {name:20s} | {message}".

This produces logs that look like this:

2022-12-05 19:46:46,744 | INFO     | my_tap               | Added 'child' as child stream to 'my_stream'
2022-12-05 19:46:46,744 | INFO     | my_tap               | Beginning incremental sync of 'my_stream'...
2022-12-05 19:46:46,744 | INFO     | my_tap               | Tap has custom mapper. Using 1 provided map(s).
2022-12-05 19:46:46,745 | INFO     | my_tap               | Beginning full_table sync of 'child' with context: {'parent_id': 1}...
2022-12-05 19:46:46,745 | INFO     | my_tap               | Tap has custom mapper. Using 1 provided map(s).
2022-12-05 19:46:46,746 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.0005319118499755859, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 1}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,747 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 3, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 1}}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,747 | INFO     | my_tap               | Beginning full_table sync of 'child' with context: {'parent_id': 2}...
2022-12-05 19:46:46,748 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.0004410743713378906, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 2}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,748 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 3, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 2}}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,749 | INFO     | my_tap               | Beginning full_table sync of 'child' with context: {'parent_id': 3}...
2022-12-05 19:46:46,749 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.0004508495330810547, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 3}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,750 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 3, "tags": {"stream": "child", "context": {"parent_id": 3}}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,750 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.0052759647369384766, "tags": {"stream": "my_stream", "context": {}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-12-05 19:46:46,750 | INFO     | singer_sdk.metrics   | INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 3, "tags": {"stream": "my_stream", "context": {}}}

To use a different log format, see the custom logging configuration section below.

Custom logging configuration

Users of a tap can configure the SDK logging by setting the SINGER_SDK_LOG_CONFIG environment variable. The value of this variable should be a path to a YAML file in the Python logging dict format.

For example, to send metrics (with logger name singer_sdk.metrics) to a file, you could use the following config:

version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: false
    format: "{asctime} {levelname} {message}"
    style: "{"
    class: logging.FileHandler
    formatter: metrics
    filename: metrics.log
    level: INFO
    handlers: [ metrics ]
    propagate: yes

This will send metrics to a metrics.log:

2022-09-29 00:48:52,746 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "http_request_duration", "value": 0.501743, "tags": {"stream": "continents", "endpoint": "", "http_status_code": 200, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-09-29 00:48:52,775 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "http_request_count", "value": 1, "tags": {"stream": "continents", "endpoint": ""}}
2022-09-29 00:48:52,776 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.7397160530090332, "tags": {"stream": "continents", "context": {}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-09-29 00:48:52,776 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 7, "tags": {"stream": "continents", "context": {}}}
2022-09-29 00:48:53,225 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "http_request_duration", "value": 0.392148, "tags": {"stream": "countries", "endpoint": "", "http_status_code": 200, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-09-29 00:48:53,302 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "http_request_count", "value": 1, "tags": {"stream": "countries", "endpoint": ""}}
2022-09-29 00:48:53,302 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "timer", "metric": "sync_duration", "value": 0.5258760452270508, "tags": {"stream": "countries", "context": {}, "status": "succeeded"}}
2022-09-29 00:48:53,303 INFO METRIC: {"metric_type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 250, "tags": {"stream": "countries", "context": {}}}

For package developers

If you’re developing a tap or target package and would like to customize its logging configuration, you can put a default_loggging.yml file in the package root to set the default logging configuration for your package. This file will be used if the SINGER_SDK_LOG_CONFIG environment variable is not set:

├── README.md
├── pyproject.toml
├── uv.lock
└── tap_example
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── __main__.py
    ├── default_logging.yml  # <-- This file will be used if SINGER_SDK_LOG_CONFIG is not set
    ├── client.py
    ├── streams.py
    └── tap.py