Python Tips for SDK Developers

Tip #1: Intro to Virtual Environments and uv

Everyone comes from a different perspective - please select the scenario that you most identify with.

If you know nothing about virtual environments

If you are completely new to the concept of virtual environments, that’s great! You have nothing to “unlearn”.

The uv package manager will make your life easy. It basically makes it so you never have to worry about virtual environments. It will take care of virtual environments for you so that you don’t have to worry about dependency conflicts.

Use uv tool install whenever you are installing a python program (versus a python library). It automatically creates a virtual environment for you and automatically makes sure that the executables contained in the python package get added to your path.

The SDK cookiecutter template already sets you up for uv. When you are running a command with uv run ..., uv is doing the work to make sure your command runs in the correct virtual environment behind the scenes. This means you will automatically be running with whatever library versions you have specified in pyproject.toml and/or with uv add .... If it ever feels like your environment may be stale, you can run uv sync.

If you already know about virtual environments

Congratulations! You are ahead of the game. You probably already know enough to start using uv.

What is an virtual environment anyway?

The quick explanation of a virtual environment is: a directory on your machine that holds a full set of version-specific python packages, isolated from other copies of those same libraries so that version conflicts from package to package do not cause conflicts one each other. Each program can have its own version requirements for its dependencies, and that’s okay because each virtual environment is separate from the others.

For years, python developers have had to create, track, and manage their virtual environments manually, but luckily, now we don’t have to!

Tip #2: Static vs Dynamic Properties in Python and the SDK

In Python, properties within classes like Stream and Tap can generally be overridden in two ways: statically or dynamically. For instance, primary_keys and replication_key should be declared statically if their values are known ahead of time (during development), and they should be declared dynamically if they vary from one environment to another or if they can change at runtime.

Static example

Here’s a simple example of static definitions based on the cookiecutter template. This example defines the primary key and replication key as fixed values which will not change.

class SimpleSampleStream(Stream):
    primary_keys = ["id"]
    replication_key = None

Dynamic property example

Here is a similar example except that the same properties are calculated dynamically based on user-provided inputs:

class DynamicSampleStream(Stream):
    def primary_keys(self):
        """Return primary key dynamically based on user inputs."""
        return self.config["primary_key"]

    def replication_key(self):
        """Return replication key dynamically based on user inputs."""
        result = self.config.get("replication_key")
        if not result:
            self.logger.warning("Danger: could not find replication key!")
        return result

Note that the first static example was more concise while this second example is more extensible.

In summary

  • Use the static syntax whenever you are dealing with stream properties that won’t change and use dynamic syntax whenever you need to calculate the stream’s properties or discover them dynamically.

  • For those new to Python, note that the dynamic syntax is identical to declaring a function or method, with the one difference of having the @property decorator directly above the method definition. This one change tells Python that you want to be able to access the method as a property (as in pk = stream.primary_key) instead of as a callable function (as in pk = stream.primary_key()).


  • If you are working on a SDK tap/target that uses a poetry-core version before v1.0.8 in the build-system table of pyproject.toml you may have trouble specifying a pip_url in Meltano with “editable mode” (-e path/to/package) enabled (as per #238). This can be resolved by upgrading the version of poetry-core>=1.0.8.

For more examples, please see the Code Samples page.