Inline Stream Maps


SDK-based taps, targets, and mappers automatically support the custom inline mappings feature. Stream mappings can be applied to solve the following real-world applications:

Note on null values

In all examples below where null is used as a value, the special string "__NULL__" can be used instead.

Stream-Level Mapping Applications

  • Stream aliasing: streams can be aliased to provide custom naming downstream.

  • Stream filtering: streams records can be filtered based on any user-defined logic.

  • Stream duplication: streams can be split or duplicated and then sent as multiple distinct streams to the downstream target.

Property-Level Mapping Applications

  • Property-level aliasing: properties can be renamed in the resulting stream.

  • Property-level transformations: properties can be transformed inline.

  • Property-level exclusions: properties can be removed from the resulting stream.

  • Property-level additions: new properties can be created based on inline user-defined expressions.

Schema Flattening Applications

  • *Flatten nested properties: separates large complex properties into multiple distinct fields.

For instance, a complex user property may look like this:

    // ...
    "user": {
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Carter",
        "id": "jcarter"

Rather than receive the entire record as one large structure, flattening the record would output three distinct fields:

  • user__first_name

  • user__last_name

  • user__id

Flattening Example

flattening_enabled: true
flattening_max_depth: 1   # flatten only top-level properties
  "flattening_enabled": true,
  "flattening_max_depth": 1

Out-of-scope capabilities

These capabilities are all out of scope by design:

  • Mappers do not support aggregation.

    • To aggregate data, first land the data and then apply aggregations using a transformation tool like dbt.

  • Mappers do not support joins between streams.

    • To join data, first land the data and then perform joins using a transformation tool like dbt.

  • Mappers do not support external API lookups.

    • To add external API lookups, you can either (a) land all your data and then joins using a transformation tool like dbt, or (b) create a custom mapper plugin with inline lookup logic.

A feature for all Singer users, enabled by the SDK

The mapping features described here are created for the users of SDK-based taps and targets, which support inline transformations with stream_maps and stream_map_config out-of-box.

Note: to support non-SDK taps and targets, the standalone inline mapper plugin meltano-map-transformer follows all specifications defined here and can apply mapping transformations between any Singer tap and target, even if they are not built using the SDK.

The following behaviors are implemented by the SDK automatically:

  1. For taps, the SCHEMA and RECORD messages will automatically be transformed, duplicated, filtered, or aliased, as per the stream_maps config settings after all other tap-specific logic is executed.

    • Because this process happens automatically after all other tap logic is executed, the tap developer does not have to write any custom handling logic.

    • The tap development process is fully insulated from this ‘out-of-box’ functionality.

  2. Similarly for targets, the received streams are processed by the stream_maps config setting prior to any Sink processing functions.

    • This means that the target developer can assume that all streams and records are transformed, aliased, filtered, etc. before any custom target code is executed.

  3. The standalone mapper plugin meltano-map-transformer is a hybrid tap/target which simply receives input from a tap, transforms all stream and schema messages via the stream_maps config option, and then emits the resulting stream(s) to a downstream target.

    • A standalone mapper is not needed in cases where either the tap or target is built on the SDK (since either could accept the stream_maps config option) but it is useful in cases where using legacy taps or targets which do not yet support this functionality - or in cases where you want to run a one-time sync with special logic and otherwise keep tap and target config untouched.

Constructing the stream_maps config object

The stream_maps config expects a mapping of stream names to a structured transform object.

Here is a sample stream_maps transformation which obfuscates phone_number with a fake value, removes all references to email and adds email_domain and email_hash as new properties:

meltano.yml or config.json:

  # Apply these transforms to the stream called 'customers'
    # drop the PII field from RECORD and SCHEMA messages
    email: __NULL__
    # capture just the email domain
    email_domain: owner_email.split('@')[-1]
    # for uniqueness checks
    email_hash: md5(config['hash_seed'] + owner_email)
    # generate a fake phone number
    phone_number: fake.phone_number()
  # hash outputs are not able to be replicated without the original seed:
  hash_seed: 01AWZh7A6DzGm6iJZZ2T
  # set specific seed
  seed: 0
  # set specific locales
  - en_US
  - en_GB
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "email": null,
            "email_domain": "owner_email.split('@')[-1]",
            "email_hash": "md5(config['hash_seed'] + owner_email)",
            "phone_number": "fake.phone_number()"
    "stream_map_config": {
        "hash_seed": "01AWZh7A6DzGm6iJZZ2T"
    "faker_config": {
        "seed": 0,
        "locale": [

If map expressions should have access to special config, such as in the one-way hash algorithm above, define those config arguments within the optional stream_map_config setting. Values defined in stream_map_config will be available to expressions using the config dictionary.

Constructing Expressions

Expressions are defined and parsed using the simpleeval expression library. This library accepts most native python expressions and is extended by custom functions which have been declared within the SDK.

Compound Expressions

Starting in version 0.33.0, the SDK supports the use of simple comprehensions, e.g. [x + 1 for x in [1,2,3]]. This is a powerful feature which allows you to perform complex transformations on lists of values. For example, you can use comprehensions to filter out values in an array:

    id: id
    fields: "[f for f in fields if f['key'] != 'age']"
  "stream_maps": {
    "users": {
      "id": "id",
      "fields": "[f for f in fields if f['key'] != 'age']"

Accessing Stream Properties within Mapping Expressions

By default, all stream properties are made available via the property’s given name. For instance, assuming a field called customer_id in the stream, you can write customer_id.lower() to apply Python’s lower() function to all customer IDs.

Note: In some cases, property names may collide with built-in functions or keywords. To handle these cases, use the record name as described below (or its shorthand _).

These are all equivalent means of transforming the customer_id property of the current record:

  • customer_id.lower()

  • record['customer_id'].lower()

  • _['customer_id'].lower()

Other Built-in Functions and Names

Currently, there are a small handful of convenience functions and object aliases, which can be referenced directly by mapping expressions.

Built-In Functions

The following functions and namespaces are available for use in mapping expressions:




Returns an inline MD5 hash of any string, outputting the string representation of the hash’s hex digest. This is defined by the SDK internally with native python: hashlib.md5(<input>.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest().


Returns an inline SHA256 hash of any string, outputting the string representation of the hash’s hex digest. This is defined by the SDK internally with native python: hashlib.sha256(<input>.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest().


This is the datetime module object from the Python standard library. You can access datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, etc.


This is the json module object from the Python standard library. Primarily used for calling json.dumps() and json.loads().

Built-in Variable Names

The following variables are available in the context of a mapping expression:




A dictionary with the stream_map_config values from settings. This can be used to provide a secret hash seed, for instance.


An alias for the record values dictionary in the current stream.


Same as record but shorter to type.


The existing property value if the property already exists.


A Faker instance, configurable via faker_config (see previous example) - see the built-in standard providers for available methods.


The name of the stream. Useful when applying the same transformation to multiple streams.


To use the fake object, the faker library must be installed.

Added in version 0.35.0: The faker object.

Added in version 0.40.0: The Faker class.

Changed in version 0.41.0: The Faker class was deprecated in favor of instance methods on the fake object.

Added in version 0.42.0: The __stream_name__ variable.

Built-in Alias Variable Names

The following variables are available in the context of the __alias__ expression:




The existing stream name

Added in version 0.42.0: The __stream_name__ variable.

Automatic Schema Detection

For performance reasons, type detection is performed at runtime using text analysis of the provided expressions. Type detection is performed once per stream, prior to records being generated.

The following logic is applied in determining the SCHEMA of the transformed stream:

  1. Calculations which begin with the text str(, float(, int( will be assumed to be belonging to the specified type.

  2. Otherwise, if the property already existed in the original stream, it will be assumed to have the same data type as the original stream.

  3. Otherwise, if no type is detected using the above rules, any new stream properties will be assumed to be of type str .

Customized stream_map Behaviors

Removing a single stream or property

To remove a stream, declare the stream within stream_maps config and assign it the value null. For example:

  # don't sync the stream called 'addresses'
  addresses: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "addresses": null

To remove a property, declare the property within the designated stream’s map entry and assign it the value null. For example:

    # don't sync the 'email' stream property
    email: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "email": null

Remove all undeclared streams or properties

By default, all streams and stream properties will be included in the output unless specifically excluded. However, you can reverse this behavior using the "__else__": null instruction to only include defined properties or streams.

Note: the primary key properties of the stream will still be included by default, to ensure proper deduping and record identification at the target. To also remove primary keys from the stream, see the __key_properties__ override below.

To remove all streams except the customers stream:

  customers: {}
  __else__: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {},
        "__else__": null

To remove all fields from the customers stream except customer_id:

    customer_id: customer_id
    __else__: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "customer_id": "customer_id",
            "__else__": null

Unset or modify the stream’s primary key behavior

To override the stream’s default primary key properties, add the __key_properties__ operation within the stream map definition.

    # Remove the original Customer ID column
    customer_id: __NULL__
    # Add a new (and still unique) ID column
    customer_id_hashed: md5(customer_id)
    # Updated key to reflect the new name
    - customer_id_hashed
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "customer_id": null,
            "customer_id_hashed": "md5(customer_id)",
            "__key_properties__": ["customer_id_hashed"]


  • To sync the stream as if it did not contain a primary key, simply set __key_properties__ to null or an empty list.

  • Key properties must be present in the transformed stream result. Otherwise, an error will be raised.

Add a property with a string literal value

Some applications, such as multi-tenant, may benefit from adding a property with a hardcoded string literal value. These values need to be wrapped in double quotes to differentiate them from property names:

    a_new_field: '\"client-123\"'
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "a_new_field": "\"client-123\""

Masking data with Faker

It is best practice (or even a legal requirement) to mask PII/PHI in lower environments. Stream mappers have access to the Faker library, which can be used to generate random data in various forms/formats.

    # IMPORTANT: the `fake` variable name will only be available if faker_config is defined
    first_name: fake.first_name() # generates a new random name each time
  # set specific seed
  seed: 0
  # set specific locales
    - en_US
    - en_GB

Be sure to checkout the faker documentation for all the fake data generation possibilities.

Note that in the example above, faker will generate a new random value each time the first_name() function is invoked. This means if 3 records have a first_name value of Mike, then they will each have a different name after being mapped (for example, Alistair, Debra, Scooby). This can actually lead to issues when developing in the lower environments.

Some users require consistent masking (for example, the first name Mike is always masked as Debra). Consistent masking preserves the relationship between tables and rows, while still hiding the real value. When a random mask is generated every time, relationships between tables/rows are effectively lost, making it impossible to test things like sql JOINs. This can cause highly unpredictable behavior when running the same code in lower environments vs production.

To generate consistent masked values, you must provide the same seed each time before invoking the faker function.

    # will always generate the same value for the same seed
    first_name: fake.seed_instance(_['first_name']) or fake.first_name()
  # IMPORTANT: `fake` is only available if the `faker` extra is installed
  locale: en_US

Remember, these expressions are evaluated by the simpleeval expression library, which only allows a single python expression (which is the reason for the or syntax above).

This means if you require more advanced masking logic, which cannot be defined in a single python expression, you may need to consider a custom stream mapper.

Aliasing a stream using __alias__

To alias a stream, simply add the operation "__alias__": "new_name" to the stream definition. For example, to alias the customers stream as customer_v2, use the following:

    __alias__: customers_v2
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "__alias__": "customers_v2"

Duplicating or splitting a stream using __source__

To create a new stream as a copy of the original, specify the operation "__source__": "stream_name". For example, you can create a copy of the customers stream which only contains PII properties using the following:

    # Exclude these since we're capturing them in the pii stream
    email: __NULL__
    full_name: __NULL__
    __source__: customers
    # include just the PII and the customer_id
    customer_id: customer_id
    email: email
    full_name: full_name
    # exclude anything not declared
    __else__: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "email": null,
            "full_name": null
        "customers_pii": {
            "__source__": "customers",
            "customer_id": "customer_id",
            "email": "email",
            "full_name": "full_name",
            "__else__": null

Filtering out records from a stream using __filter__ operation

The __filter__ operation accepts a string expression which must evaluate to true or false. Filter expressions should be wrapped in bool() to ensure proper type conversion.

For example, to only include customers with emails from the company domain:

    __filter__: email.endswith('')
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "__filter__": "email.endswith('')"

Aliasing properties

This uses a “copy-and-delete” approach with the help of __NULL__:

    new_field: old_field
    old_field: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "customers": {
            "new_field": "old_field",
            "old_field": "__NULL__"

Applying a mapping across two or more streams

You can use glob expressions to apply a stream map configuration to more than one stream:

    name: first_name
    first_name: __NULL__
    "stream_maps": {
        "*": {
            "name": "first_name",
            "first_name": "__NULL__"

Added in version 0.37.0: Support for stream glob expressions.

Aliasing two or more streams

The __alias__ operation evaluates simple python expressions.

You can combine this with glob expressions to rename more than one stream:

    __alias__: "__stream_name__ + '_v2'"
    "stream_maps": {
        "*": {
            "__alias__": "__stream_name__ + '_v2'"

Added in version 0.42.0: Support for __alias__ expression evaluation.

Understanding Filters’ Affects on Parent-Child Streams

Nested child streams iterations will be skipped if their parent stream has a record-level filter applied. This applies only to the primary map for a stream, ignoring any filter logic on duplicate streams created using __source__.

If you want to prevent child streams from being filtered, create a duplicate stream using __source__ and filter the duplicated stream instead of the original. Then, if you do not want to emit two streams, suppress the original by assigning its map the value null. Since the primary (same-named) version of the stream is not filtered, this will force iteration through the entire source stream and its children, while only emitting those parent records that qualify the filter expression.

Note: aliasing a stream with the __alias__ operation does not impact child stream selection logic.

Known Limitations

The below functionality may be expanded or improved in the future. Please send us an Issue or MR if you are interested in contributing to these features.

No nested property declarations or removals

Only first-level properties may be added, removed, or transformed. This means, for example, that you can add or remove a top-level field called customer_email, but you cannot add or remove a nested email property if embedded in a customer json object.

Schema detection capabilities are limited

Schema detection currently relies on somewhat naive static text parsing. The workaround for the user is fairly trivial - which is to send hints by wrapping the entire expression in str(), float(), int(), etc. While this is perhaps not optimal, it meets our core requirement for static type evaluation with minimal config complexity.

Security Implications for Low-Trust Environments

While simpleeval does provide some isolation and sandboxing capabilities built-in, there are always security implications when allowing user-provided code to run on managed servers. For this reason, administrators should not permit arbitrary setting injection from untrusted users. As a rule, tap and target settings should never be permitted to be modified by untrusted users.

Else behavior currently limited to null assignment

The only operation currently allowed for the __else__ instruction is null, meaning to exclude any streams or properties not otherwise defined. In the future, we may add additional options or advanced logic. For instance, we could in the future add the ability to remove or treat a property from any stream in which it appears. We could also hash any properties not otherwise declared in the map (for PII reasons and to enable advanced testing scenarios).


Q: How do stream map operations interact with stream selection via the Singer catalog metadata?

Answer: Stream maps are applied only after stream selection rules are applied. This means that if a stream or property is not selected, it will not be available for stream map operations. Stream maps are not intended to be a replacement for catalog-based selection, but they may be used to further refine streams beyond the original selection parameters.

Q: If streams are excluded by applying mapping rules, does the tap automatically skip them?

Answer: It depends. For SDK-based taps, yes. If an entire stream is specified to be excluded at the tap level, then the stream will be skipped exactly as if it were deselected in the catalog metadata.

If a stream is specified to be excluded at the target level, or in a standalone mapper between the tap and target, the filtering occurs downstream from the tap and therefore cannot affect the selection rules of the tap itself. Except in special test cases or in cases where runtime is trivial, we highly recommend implementing stream-level exclusions at the tap level rather than within the downstream target or mapper plugins.

Q: Why use a separate stream_map_config option instead of granting access to all config values?

Answer: The base-level config is also the primary mechanism for submitting auth secrets to the plugin. If we provided direct access to all config options, it would drastically increase the security risks associated with code injection and accidental or malicious leakage of credentials to downstream logs. By limiting to only those config values intended for use by the mapper, we significantly improve the security profile of the feature. Additionally, plugins are generally expected to fail if they receive unexpected config arguments. The intended use cases for stream map config values are user-defined in nature (such as the hashing use case defined above), and are unlikely to overlap with the plugin’s already-existing settings.

Q: What is the difference between primary_keys and key_properties?

Answer: These two are generally identical - and will only differ in cases like the above where key_properties is manually overridden or nullified by the user of the tap. Developers will specify primary_keys for each stream in the tap, but they do not control if the user will override key_properties behavior when initializing the stream. Primary keys describe the nature of the upstream data as known by the source system. However, either through manual catalog manipulation and/or by setting stream map transformations, the in-flight dedupe keys (key_properties) may be overridden or nullified by the user at any time.

Additionally, some targets do not support primary key distinctions, and there are valid use cases to intentionally unset the key_properties in an extract-load pipeline. For instance, it is common to intentionally nullify key properties to trigger “append-only” loading behavior in certain targets, as may be required for historical reporting. This does not change the underlying nature of the primary_key configuration in the upstream source data, only how it will be landed or deduped in the downstream source.

Q: How do I use Meltano environment variables to configure stream maps?

Answer: Environment variables in Meltano can be used to configure stream maps, but you first need to add the corresponding settings to your plugins settings option. For example:

  - name: tap-csv
    variant: meltanolabs
    pip_url: git+
    - name:
    - name: stream_maps.customers.email_domain
    - name: stream_maps.customers.email_hash
    - name: stream_maps.customers.__else__
    - name: stream_maps.stream_map_config

Then, you can set the following environment variables:

TAP_CSV_STREAM_MAPS_CUSTOMERS_EMAIL_HASH='md5(config["hash_seed"] + email)'