“At Least Once” Delivery Promise

The Singer Spec promises that each record in the source system will be processed successfully in the target at least once. This promises that no record will ever go missing or be omitted, but it does not guarantee that all records will be received exactly once.

Causes of Record Duplication

Record duplication can occur for three reasons:

  1. ‘greater than or equal’ logic in bookmark comparisons,

  2. replication key signposts, as used in unsorted streams and parent-child streams, and

  3. streams which are retried after interruption or execution failure.

Cause #1: Greater-than-or-equal-to comparisons

According to the Singer spec, bookmark comparisons are performed on the basis of “greater than or equal to” logic. This ensures that every record arrives in the downstream target at least once and no records are ever missed or omitted during replication. It does also mean that the last record streamed in one execution is likely to be the first record streamed in a subsequent execution.

Cause #2: Replication Key Signposts

Replication Key Signposts are an internal and automatic feature of the SDK. Signposts are necessary in order to deliver the ‘at least once’ delivery promise for unsorted streams and parent-child streams. The function of a signpost is to ensure that bookmark keys do not advance past a point where we may have not synced all records, such as for unsorted or reverse-sorted streams. This feature also enables developers to override state_partitioning_key, which reduces the number of bookmarks needed to track state on parent-child streams with a large number of parent records.

In all applications, the signpost prevents the bookmark’s value from advancing too far and prevents records from being skipped in future sync operations. We intentionally do not advance the bookmark as far as the max replication key value from all records we’ve synced, with the knowledge that some records with equal or lower replication key values may have not yet been synced. It follows then, that any records whose replication key is greater than the signpost value will necessarily be re-synced in the next execution, causing some amount of record duplication downstream.

Cause #3: Stream interruption

Streams which are retried after failing often have a subset of records already committed to the target system at the time of interruption, but the target likely has not yet received or processed a state message corresponding to those records. When the stream is retried, any records not confirmed as having been received in the state message will be sent again to the target, resulting in duplication.

Future proposals to mitigate record duplication

There is a feature proposal for the SDK to optionally store record hashes within the tap’s state object and then dedupe record hashes against new records prior to sending data downstream to the target. This would likely be an opt-in behavior for developers and/or users, and it would come at some small performance penalty, as well as a small cost of increased size of the state object. If you are interested in contributing this feature, please see this issue.

Note that while this future proposal may resolve the issue of duplicates due to signposts and greater-than-or-equal-to comparison logic, streams will still be subject to record duplication due to interrupted and retried sync operations. Thus, any implementations not using primary keys to dedupe data in the target will always need some plan for a deduplication strategy in their downstream data processing.